In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of developing a simple ink! dApp using Typink- a new set of react hooks & utilities to help to build new ink! dApp faster & easier.
Let's make a simple PSP22 Transfer dApp using Typink!
Create a new project via create-typink CLI
We're going to set up a new ink! dapp project via the create-typinkcli.
npx create-typink@latest
Let's choose greeter as example contract and deploy our contract to Pop Testnet.
We can now go to the psp22-transferfolder and run yarn startto start the development server at: http://localhost:8080
Claim testnet token via faucet
Next step, in order to deploy & interact with contracts on Pop Testnet, we'll need to claim some test token. Since Pop Testnet as a parachain uses the native token of the Relay Chain (Paseo) as its token to pay transaction fee, so it requires 2 steps to claim testnet token on Pop Testnet.
After cloning the repo, we can build the contract using the following commands:
git clone
cd PSP22
cargo contract build --release
After building the contract, we'll get all the compiled artifacts in folder: target/ink
Now let's copy all these 3 files into the folder: contracts/artifacts/psp22in our psp2-transferproject.
Next, let's deploy our PSP22 contract to Pop Testnet via
We'll fill in some basic information of the PSP22 token as below, feel free to adjust the params as to your preferences.
We deployed the contract, and its address is: 13JSR8RUSxtg11MLg2Pj5jV7Yh9sh9gCnjFW7ReHGmDj5Rvq
Finally, let's update the contract deployments list in file: contracts/deployment.ts to register our new PSP22 contract to the list, this helps us quickly initiate new Contract instance via Typink's react hooks: useContract
Next, let's generate TypeScript bindings/types for our PSP22 contract using its metadata. This helps us enable auto-complete & suggestions (IntelliSense) later when we deal & interact with contract messages / events.
We can do this via dedotcli, dedot is a required dependency and will be install for every Typink-based projects. Let's put the generated types in folder: contracts/types :
After this step, we're ready to start coding the logic for our application.
Fetch & show PSP22 balance
First, let's initiate a global Contractinstance in AppProvider (ui/src/providers/AppProvider.tsx) so we can use it across our app & components.
import { createContext, useContext } from 'react';
import { Props } from '@/types.ts';
import { ContractId } from 'contracts/deployments.ts';
import { Psp22ContractApi } from 'contracts/types/psp22';
import { Contract } from 'dedot/contracts';
import { useContract } from 'typink';
interface AppContextProps {
psp22Contract?: Contract<Psp22ContractApi>;
const AppContext = createContext<AppContextProps>({} as any);
export const useApp = () => {
return useContext(AppContext);
export function AppProvider({ children }: Props) {
const { contract: psp22Contract } = useContract<Psp22ContractApi>(ContractId.PSP22);
return (
Next, let's fetch & show the PSP22 balance for connected account. We're going to update the MainBoardcomponent (ui/src/components/MainBoard.tsx) to add the logic using useContractQueryhook to fetch basic contract information (symbol, decimals) and psp22 balance of the connected account.