
Similarly to query contracts, the Contract interface will also be using to submitting transactions with syntax: contract.tx.<message>.

import { Contract } from 'dedot/contract';
import { FlipperContractApi } from './flipper';
import flipperMetadata from './flipper.json' assert { type: 'json' };

// ... initializing DedotClient

const ALICE = '5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY'; // Alice
const contractAddress = '...';

// create a contract instace from its metadata & address
const contract = new Contract<FlipperContractApi>(client, flipperMetadata, contractAddress);

// Dry-run the call for validation and gas estimation
const { data, raw } = await contract.query.flip({ caller: ALICE });

// Check if the message return a `Result<Data, Error>`
// Skip this check if the message returning raw Data
if (data.isErr) {
  console.log('Cannot make transaction due to error:', data.err);

// Submitting the transaction after passing validation
await contract.tx.flip({ gasLimit: raw.gasRequired })
  .signAndSend(ALICE, ({ status, events }) => {
    if (status.type === 'BestChainBlockIncluded' || status.type === 'Finalized') {
      // fully-typed event
      const flippedEvent =;
      console.log('Old value',;
      console.log('New value',;

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