
Providers are means to provide connection to the network, Dedot comes by default with providers for connection via WebSocket (wss://) and smoldot light client. But you can implement your own provider for your own needs.


import { WsProvider } from 'dedot';

// Initialize the provider & connect to the network
const provider = new WsProvider('wss://');
await provider.connect();  

// Fetch the genesis hash 
const genesisHash = await provider.send('chain_getBlockHash', [0]); 

// Subscribe to runtimeVersion changes 
await provider.subscribe({
  subname: 'chain_newHead', // subscription name for notification
  subscribe: 'chain_subscribeNewHeads', // subscribe method
  params: [], // params for subscribe method
  unsubscribe: 'chain_unsubscribeNewHeads', // unsubscribe method
}, (error, newHead, subscription) => { 
  console.log('newHead', newHead);   

// Disconnect from the network
await provider.disconnect();


SmoldotProvider take in a parameter of type Chain from smoldot, so before initialize a SmoldotProvider, one should install smoldot package and following the instruction to instanciate a Chain connection to the network.

If you're building a browser dapp, it's highly recommended to setup a worker for smoldot

  1. Install smoldot

npm i smoldot
  1. Initialize SmoldotProvider

import { SmoldotProvider } from 'dedot';
import * as smoldot from 'smoldot';
import chainSpec from './polkadot-chainspec.json';

// Start smoldot instance & initialize a chain
const client = smoldot.start();
const chain = await client.addChain({ chainSpec });

// Initialize providers & connect to the network
const provider = new SmoldotProvider(chain);

await provider.connect();  

// Fetch the genesis hash 
const genesisHash = await provider.send('chain_getBlockHash', [0]); 

// Subscribe to runtimeVersion changes 
await provider.subscribe({
  subname: 'chain_newHead', // subscription name for notification
  subscribe: 'chain_subscribeNewHeads', // subscribe method
  params: [], // params for subscribe method
  unsubscribe: 'chain_unsubscribeNewHeads', // unsubscribe method
}, (error, newHead, subscription) => { 
  console.log('newHead', newHead);   

// Disconnect from the network
await provider.disconnect();

Add your own custom provider?

Every provider must implement the JsonRpcProvider interface, defined as below:

type ConnectionStatus = 'connected' | 'disconnected' | 'reconnecting';
type ProviderEvent = ConnectionStatus | 'error'; // | 'timeout';

interface JsonRpcProvider extends IEventEmitter<ProviderEvent> {
   * The current connection status
  status: ConnectionStatus;

   * Send a JSON-RPC request,
   * make sure to connect to the provider first before sending requests
   * @param method
   * @param params
  send<T = any>(method: string, params: any[]): Promise<T>;

   * Make a subscription request,
   * make sure to connect to the provider first before sending requests
   * @param input
   * @param callback
  subscribe<T = any>(
    input: JsonRpcSubscriptionInput,
    callback: JsonRpcSubscriptionCallback<T>,
  ): Promise<JsonRpcSubscription>;

   * Connect to the provider
  connect(): Promise<this>;

   * Disconnect from the provider
  disconnect(): Promise<void>;

One can easily add a custom provider by implementing this interface:

// custom-provider.ts
import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'dedot';

export class MyCustomProvider implements JsonRpcProvider {
  // ... implementation details

// main.ts
import { DedotClient } from 'dedot';
import { MyCustomProvider } from './custom-provider';

const client = await DedotClient(new MyCustomProvider());
const chain: string = await client.rpc.system_chain();

More detailed information about the JsonRpcProvider and related types can be found in the source code.

Last updated