Keyring & Signer


Currently Dedot do not have any official package for creating & managing keys, we recommend using @polkadot/keyring package for this purpose.

Please refer to the official documentation of @polkadot/keyring for more details on how to install, create & manage keys.

Please note that @polkadot/keyring is currently using bn.js and wasm blob for some cryptographic implementations, this might increase the overall bundle-size of dapps.


Dedot APIs are designed to be compatible with IKeyringPair and Signer interfaces, so you can sign the transactions with accounts/keys created by a Keyring from @polkadot/keyring or signers exposed from any Polkadot{.js}-extensions-based wallets (SubWallet, Talisman, ...).

Signing transactions using IKeyringPair

import { cryptoWaitReady } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/keyring';

// Setup Keyring & create a KeyringPair
await cryptoWaitReady();
const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' });
const aliceKeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri('//Alice');

// Sign & send transaction
const unsub = await client.tx.balances
    .transferKeepAlive(<destAddress>, 2_000_000_000_000n)
    .signAndSend(aliceKeyringPair, async ({ status }) => {
      console.log('Transaction status', status.type);
      if (status.type === 'BestChainBlockIncluded') { // or status.type === 'Finalized'
        console.log(`Transaction completed at block hash ${status.value.blockHash}`);
        await unsub();

Signing transactions using Signer

// Retrieve signer from SubWallet extension
const injected = await window.injectedWeb3['subwallet-js'].enable('A cool dapp');
const account = (await injected.accounts.get())[0]; // get the first account
const signer = injected.signer;

// Setup global signer

// Sign & send transaction
const unsub = await client.tx.balances
    .transferKeepAlive(<destAddress>, 2_000_000_000_000n)
    .signAndSend(account.address, async ({ status }) => {
      console.log('Transaction status', status.type);
      if (status.type === 'BestChainBlockIncluded') { // or status.type === 'Finalized'
        console.log(`Transaction completed at block hash ${status.value.blockHash}`);
        await unsub();

Last updated