Deploy contracts

Whether it's to deploy a contract from a wasm code or using an existing wasm code hash. You can do it using the ContractDeployer.

Initialize ContractDeployer

import { DedotClient, WsProvider } from 'dedot';
import { ContractDeployer } from 'dedot/contract';
import { stringToHex } from 'dedot/utils'
import { FlipperContractApi } from './flipper';
import flipperMetadata from './flipper.json' assert { type: 'json' };

// instanciate an api client
const client = await WsProvider('...'));

// load contract wasm or prepare a wasm codeHash
const wasm = '0x...';
const existingCodeHash = '0x...' // uploaded wasm

// create a ContractDeployer instance
const deployer = new ContractDeployer<FlipperContractApi>(client, flipperMetadata, wasm);

// OR from existingCodeHash
// const deployer = new ContractDeployer<FlipperContractApi>(client, flipperMetadata, existingCodeHash);

Dry-run the contract instantiation

Dry run the constructor call to help validate the contract instantiation and estimate gas-fee for the transaction.

const CALLER = '5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY'; // Alice

// Some random salt to prevent duplication issue
// Salt is optional, you can skip this to use an empty salt 
const salt = stringToHex('random-salt'); 

// Dry run the constructor call for validation and gas estimation
// An Error will be thrown out if there's a DispatchError or LangError (contract level error)
// More on this in the handling error section below
const dryRun = await, { caller: CALLER, salt })
const { raw: { gasRequired, storageDeposit } } = dryRun;

Error handling if contract constructor returning a Result<Self, Error>

In case the contract constructor returning a Result<Self, Error>, you can also check the see if the instantiation get any errors before submitting the transaction.

const { data, raw } = await, { caller: ALICE, salt })
if (data.isErr) {
  console.log('Contract instantiation returning an error:', data.err);
} else {
  // submitting the transaction

Submit contract instantiation transaction

After dry-run the transaction to make sure there will be no errors. Now let's submit the transaction to instantiate the contract and listen for events to extract contract address.

// Submitting the transaction to instanciate the contract
await, { gasLimit: gasRequired, salt })
  .signAndSend(CALLER, ({ status, events}) => {
    if (status.type === 'BestChainBlockIncluded' || status.type === 'Finalized') {
      // fully-typed event
      const instantiatedEvent =;
      const contractAddress =;

Listen for contract.Instantiated event from system events

await (records) => {
  const instantiatedEvent =
                  .find((e) => === CALLER);

  if (instantiatedEvent) {
    const contractAddress =;

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